4.18% 1 Year Treasury
4.21% 2 Year Treasury
4.23% 3 Year Treasury
4.28% 5 Year Treasury
4.36% 7 Year Treasury
4.44% 10 Year Treasury
4.65% 30 Year Treasury
7.50% Prime Rate
4.33% SOFR
4.32% SOFR 30-Day Avg
4.18% 1 Year Treasury
4.21% 2 Year Treasury
4.23% 3 Year Treasury
4.28% 5 Year Treasury
4.36% 7 Year Treasury
4.44% 10 Year Treasury
4.65% 30 Year Treasury
7.50% Prime Rate
4.33% SOFR
4.32% SOFR 30-Day Avg
4.18% 1 Year Treasury
4.21% 2 Year Treasury
4.23% 3 Year Treasury
4.28% 5 Year Treasury
4.36% 7 Year Treasury
4.44% 10 Year Treasury
4.65% 30 Year Treasury
7.50% Prime Rate
4.33% SOFR
4.32% SOFR 30-Day Avg
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